2013년 5월 14일 화요일

South gate(Soong-nye-moon) restored

Built in 1397, South gate (called soong-nye-moon)is the oldest wooden structure in Seoul and also it is the national treasure building no.1.
In the old days, the south gate was the first place that people had to go through when they needed to enter the old city of Seoul and has been one of the most symbolic buildings of Korea ever since.

In 2008, a shocking news hit the nation.
An angry old man set fire to the gate with a gas lighter which resulted in burning down 90% of the upper part of the gate.
It was a truly shocking and sad news for Korean people.
5 years went by since then, and today they finally completed the restoration and re-opened the gate to the public.

 04.May.2013. A huge crowd gathered to congratulate the opening.

The south gate in the pictures
 This is the oldest picture of south gate ever known. Taken in 1890.

 Taken between 1910 and 1920.    Around the south gate there always has been one of the biggest markets of the whole Korea. Even now, there is a gigantic market called ‘namdaenoon market’ just next to the gate.  


1953 (Just after the Korean war)



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