2013년 5월 14일 화요일

Insadong, a taste of Korean vintages

If you are coming to Seoul for a holiday you are most likely visiting this place too. You might not visit gangnam but you will visit Insadong.
Insadong is a market zone located in Jongno district, North Seoul.
It is famous for having hundreds shops that sell Korean traditional products.
If you want to find out what our culture is (other than technologies and some funny dances!) this is the place that you can have a little taste of it.

You will find handmade ornaments

and antiques

and some fashion items,

and a big shopping complex that is specialized in traditional items

and lots of people

If you get hungry try the traditional restaurants which are in the alleys.

Or street food.

And if you get tired or are too hot, have a little rest in one of those fashionable coffee lounges on the second floor of the shops.
Insadong is very popular not only to foreigners but also to us Koreans too. Because, from time to time we like to remind ourselves that we too have our own culture other than modern technologies and K-pop stuff.

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